Contains photos, an instrumental track, a 23 minute documentary in English.
Also contains the following files in both English and in French: The “Pittance” story, song, lyrics, music lead sheets, and bio on Terry.
“A Pittance of Time” / “C’est si peu de temps”
Product Contents:
Enhanced CD
When inserted into a standard CD player, the enhanced CD will perform as a standard CD player would and offer four tracks to choose from:
1) “A Pittance of Time” song (full-length)
2) “A Pittance of Time” song (edited for radio)
3) “C’est si peu de temps” song (full-length)
4) “A Pittance of Time” & “C’est si peu de temps” music track.
When inserted into a Personal Computer, the following English and French files can be selected from the enhanced CD.
– a one-page bio on Terry in Wordpad, Word, or PDF formats
– the story as to how “A Pittance of Time” came to be in Wordpad, Word, or PDF formats
– the lyrics in Wordpad, Word, or PDF formats
– a music lead sheet in PDF format
– the music video in an MPG or Quick Time format
– the song in an MP3 format
– the music track in an MP3 format
– links to VAC, DND, Royal Canadian Legion, etc
“A Pittance of Time” music video
“A Pittance of Time” documentary
“C’est si peu de temps” music video