Stanley Cup Journal – May 2007
By Kevin Shea
If there is one single item that unifies Canadians of every description, it’s hockey. And even the most passive of sports fans recognizes the Stanley Cup as the shining icon of hockey excellence. So, in searching for something that would boost the morale of Canadian troops in Afghanistan, with tensions at an all time high and temperatures soaring in tandem, it was decided to take the Stanley Cup to Kandahar. [more]
The Globe and Mail – November 2, 2006
A mere two minutes for our war veterans. It’s so little for so much.
He just got out of bed on the wrong side of the world. He is jetlagged and tired, but still he wants to talk about his great dream. [more]
Halifax, N.S. – May 24, 2006
Song Honours People Touched by Cancer
Singer / songwriter Terry Kelly, in partnership with Cancer Care Nova Scotia, launched today, Celebrate Life, an original song written and performed by Terry Kelly, to honour and recognize those whose lives have been affected by cancer.[more]
Halifax, N.S. – September 12, 2005
Terry Kelly Receives the 2005 CCMA Humanitarian Award
Last night in Calgary, Alberta, the Canadian Country Music Association (CCMA) presented Terry Kelly with the 2005 CCMA Humanitarian Award during their Industry Awards Gala. This award is voted on by the Board of Directors of the CCMA and is presented to a person(s) and/or event(s) that have made an outstanding contribution involving extraordinary time and energy in the support of humanitarian causes through country music. [more]
The Independent – November 7, 2004
‘Between the lines’
by Clare-Marie Gosse
Musical drama based on First World War letters sent from soldiers to women they left behind
Writers Sandy Mackay and John Meir used research and material from hundreds of real-life letters written during the First World War to build the script for Two Minutes of Silence – A Pittance of Time, inspired by Newfoundland singer/songwriter Terry Kelly’s song, A Pittance of Time. [more]
The Chronicle Herald – November 6, 2003
Kelly’s Pittance of Time Moving Musical Theatre
by Andrea Nemetz, Entertainment Reporter
Those who didn’t find their eyes wet with tears – or at least misty – at the end of “Two Minutes of Silence: A Pittance of Time” at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium on Tuesday night are likely made of stone.
The musical-theatrical production, which features music by singer-songwriter Terry Kelly along with A First World War love story written by John Meir and Sandy MacKay, is well done throughout with an exceptionally moving ending. [more]
2003 East Coast Music Awards (ECMA)
At the 2003 East Coast Music Awards in Halifax, Nova Scotia Terry received his seventh ECMA award – Roots Traditional Solo Artist of the Year.
During the ECMA Industry Awards Brunch, Tony Kelly (Terry’s brother, manager and business partner) was awarded Industry Builder of the Year.
Ottawa, ON – January 17, 2003
Governor General Announces New Appointments to the Order of Canada
“Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada, today announced 100 new appointments to the Order of Canada and six promotions within the Order….”
Among the appointments is Newfoundland native (Nova Scotia resident) Terry Kelly.[more]
Saint Mary’s University Honours Terry Kelly
At Spring Convocation 2002 Saint Mary’s University acknowledged Terry Kelly and his work with an Honourary Doctorate of Arts.
“Terry’s ‘vision without sight’ is truly remarkable and his commitment to the personal growth and development of individuals of all ages and abilities is commendable. Terry’s motto and trademark phrase ‘We Can Do Anything’, certainly reflects his zest for life, perpetual commitment to all people, and his contagious enthusiasm to ‘Do It Now’.”
The Halifax Herald – Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Singer Kelly launches CD with Braille on liner notes
By Greg Guy / Entertainment Editor
Terry Kelly made history on Tuesday by officially unveiling the first CD ever that includes Braille in the liner notes.
The blind Newfoundland singer/songwriter launched the CD, called “The Power of the Dream”, in style Tuesday at a Government House reception, hosted by Lt.-Gov. Myra Freeman and her husband, Lawrence. [more]
Honourary Doctor of Civil Law
On May 17, 2001, the University of King’s College bestowed on Terry Kelly, at its 212th Encaenia (convocation), an honourary Doctor of Civil Law.
Terry Kelly was nominated for his contribution to humanity. [more]
Honoured With King Clancy Award
Terry is one of three people honoured with the 2000 King Clancy Award, a highly coveted award presented to Canadians who have increased public awareness about the potential of disabled people.
The King Clancy Award was established in November 1986 by the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons. It commemorates the contributions of the late King Clancy, a well-known hockey player and humanitarian, and was formally presented to Terry, Walter Gretzky (Wayne’s father) and Stephanie MacClellan at the Sixteenth Great Valentine Gala at Toronto’s Westin Harbour Castle.