Here’s a look at some special projects that Terry has been working on:

Heroes’ Hall Of Honour – A memorial to those who have served

A Pittance of Time – A song inspired by a man in a grocery store, who chose not to reflect on those that gave their lives

C’est si peu de temps – Une chanson inspirée par un homme dans une épicerie, qui a choisi de ne pas réfléchir à ceux qui on donné leur vie.

Portraits of Honour – Was written to further commemorate the lives of our veterans and acknowledge the stories, pain and pride of their loved ones.

Celebrate Life – Written to honour and recognize those whose lives have been affected by cancer.

That All May Read – A unique multi-media learning and awareness project that encourages a love of reading for all.

This House Has Room – A composition in support of the Setting the Direction for Special Education in Alberta initiative.

Listen to the Children – This song, requested by then 10-year-old Logan MacGillivray, depicts the journey of a community coming together to help another community in need far away. Logan looked to provide school supplies for children in Sierra Leone.

Ties That Bind – Written to acknowledge the perpetual strength and pride of true family and community!

Merci Louis – A homage to the inventor of Braille, Louis Braille.

We Will Be There – This song was inspired by the men and women of our Armed Forces, the RCMP, all other police forces, and the scores of first responders.