Blind Spot

A feature-length documentary film about three blind adventurers who cross the Argentinean Andes on horseback.

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How many dreams have you had in your life? How many of those dreams have come to fruition? How many of your dreams are sitting on the back burner because you are afflicted with the crippling disease, “excuse-itis”? Are there dreams of yours that have been...


When I was 14, I remember trudging off to the Sailor’s Memorial at Point Pleasant Park, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, with my classmates from The School for the Blind and with our house parent / counselor, Mr. Ed Fraser, a proud veteran sailor of the Canadian...

New recording – Always There

HALIFAX, NS As a follow up to his inspirational Remembrance Day tribute song, ‘A Pittance of Time’, Terry Kelly’s latest 13-track musical offering, ‘Always There’, celebrates those who have served as well as those who are now serving their country. ‘Always There’,...