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function Search( search, sort_field_id, sort_direction, search_criteria ) { if ( not_empty( search ) ) { var search = "&gf_search=" + encodeURIComponent( search ); } else { var search = ''; }
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Organization |
Manufactured Housing Association of Atlantic Canada |
Citizen & Immigration Canada |
International Security Council |
College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University |
TD Bank Group |
Nilson/TRIVEST Management Inc |
Suny Brockport University, Rochester, NY |
College Sector Committee for Adult Education |
Boys & Girls Club of Canada |
Coasters Association Inc |
Fanshaw College |
POH, Fergus, ON |
Canadian Embassy, Washington, DC |
True Patriot Love, Halifax, NS |
NS Sch. Counsellors Assoc., Liverpool, NS |
Portraits of Honour, Sudbury, ON |
City of Saint John, Saint John, NB |
Raymond James Ltd, Medicine Hat, AB |
EastCan Transport, St. John’s, NL |
Suny Brockport University, Rochester, NY |
Organization |
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