On May 17, 2001, the University of King’s College bestowed on Terry Kelly, at its 212th Encaenia (convocation), an honourary Doctor of Civil Law.

Terry Kelly was nominated for his contribution to humanity.

As a composer, entertainer, athlete, motivational speaker, and human being, Terry has moved people across Canada and around the world to look at life differently. Blind from an early age, this award-winning recording artist created his “We Can Do Anything” motivational presentation in 1995 to inspire others to live in a positive manner and overcome personal handicaps, great or small.

Terry’s gift is that he inspires both children and adults to make the most of their lives, and in doing so, changes the preconception of what people think it means to be handicapped.

From school classrooms to corporate boardrooms, from the recording studio to international conferences, from national radio shows to the pilot seat of an aircraft, from the controls of a Seadoo to the running of a sub-five minute mile, Terry Kelly has been there. He has used these life experiences to motivate tens of thousands to live their own lives to the fullest and, by his example, overcome personal “handicaps” of all types.